Vyapam Template Creator

Vyapam Template Creator, Welcome to the world of automation. If You are a MPOnline Kiosk owner then in creating Vyapam Profile the biggest task is to create Templates and resize documents. And to save our time we created a software that automates this process. You can resize documents create template with a single Click. Add Name and date to customers Photograph. This software saves a lot of time. Here are some more features.

Table Of Content

Basic Installation

Installation is fairly simple. Just follow these simple steps

  1. First Go To this link -> Download VTC Software
  2. Then you will be redirected to GDrive there find => Button at the top to Download the zip File.
  3. Extract the Zip File just downloaded, then open the extracted folder and run Setup.exe file.
  4. Your Software will be downloaded.
  5. Once your Software is installed You need to activate it.
    1. Run Vyapam Template Creator
    2. A Window will open there you will find a text Click here to Generate Unique Id Click there
    3. A Unique ID will be generated. Email this Unique Id from your registered email to sales@maharajac.in
    4. Goto Help Menu Click Licence Info Button
    5. And Soon You will receive a Welcome Mail.
    6. Then Insert Your Receipt ID in Receipt ID File of Licence Info Window. And Click Activate.
    7. Your Software is now Activated.

General Usage

The software is very easy to use, even with no knowledge of Photoshop you can use this software.

Advanced Usage

Our software is fairly simple. But has advanced features and that too are so easy to learn.

Short Code Description
Alt + P Select a Photo
Alt + S Select Signature
Alt + H Select Handwritting
Alt + N Add Name and Date to Photograph
Alt + R Resize Documents
Alt + Q Quick Mode (Explained Below)
Alt + E Export Template
Alt + X Exit Application

Quick Mode

Quick mode automatically understands location throught filename.

For this function filename must be correct.

FileName Location
photo.jpg Will be placed in area for Photo in Template
sign.jpg Will Be placed in Area for Signature in Tempalte
hand.jpg Will Be Placed in Area for Handwritting in Template
AnythingElse Will Be resized and save automatically

Once you click Quick mode a open File dialog box will be shown and you have to select all the files that you want to process and the software will do the rest of things.


A Panel is place where you can crop Photo Sign And Handwritting from single Image. If You dont know how to crop Images from single File just open the panel by clicking Show Panel button. A panel will be shown at right side. Just click Load Image Button and open file that contains Photo, Sign and Handwritting then use your mouse to select and crop Photo, Sign and Handwritting. Very Simple And Straight Forward.

Upcomming Features

We are always looking for new Features. Currently we are working on following features and would like to release them to you as soon as possible.